It's a special episode with our first guest of the year, Reno Dakota! Reno Dakota hated this movie so much that after watching it, she turned into an anti-porn crusader. Also, she tells Randy on mic that he should immediately quit the podcast. All in all, a great episode! Bad movie though. Not enough Buffalo. Not enough bowling. This podcast rejects the term "bimbo" so we can't say whether bimbo levels were adequate or not. Why not see for yourself? JK don't see for yourself. Not an interesting movie.
Cast and crew
Full movie:
This movie is basically girls who are boys who like boys to be girls who do boys like they're girls who do girls like...
Special guest Honey Wellbutrin, an animator, called in this week to talk about our first animated movie, and lemme tell ya: it sucks. It's...
Many years before All About Steve was a forgettable romcom starring Sandra Bullock, All About Steve was a real dick-slappy gay porno flick loosely...