Not really sure what to do with the numbering system on these episodes. Maybe I'll just make it more and more confusing. Maybe I'll just restart from episode one, and count all the episodes equally? Who knows! But even that doesn't really work because there are a couple of "lost" episodes that count in our episode numbers but have never been released. Mysterious! Anyway, here I am talking Batman with my friend Cody Grenada!
Cast and crew:
Complete movie:
It's another solo Randy episode! That's the thing everyone loves, right? Hope so! Randy spends most of this episode talking about anise-flavored booze. And...
We’re giving ourselves a break this week and watching our first softcore movie since episode 4. And yes, it’s another movie from one of...
Special guest Honey Wellbutrin, an animator, called in this week to talk about our first animated movie, and lemme tell ya: it sucks. It's...