Outlaw Ladies is a highbrow (well, highbrow for porn) flick that follows several outlaw ladies through intertwined stories. That’s right, folks! It’s Pulp Fiction, but a porn! Sorry--that’s definitely overselling it. It’s not a terrible movie. And it has a fantastic title song! We’re probably a little harsh on it, in part because someone (Ahem. Doc.) showed up two hours late to the recording and put the rest of us in a bit of a sour mood. That’s right, folks! He started watching the movie precisely at the time the rest of us sat down to talk about it. And we won’t let him forget.
No letters this week. So uh, send us some letters?
Cast and crew:
Full movie:
Hurray! We did it! Twenty episodes, and only a little bit, slightly late on our standard, semi-weekly schedule that we’ve been doing since the...
So I read that nobody's listening to podcasts right now, which I'm guessing is because podcasts are often a form of entertainment we experience...
36 Bikini Jones and the Temple of Eros 2010 with guest Jack Stallion So, here's the deal folks. Jack and I watched this movie,...