Latest Episodes

36 Bikini Jones and the Temple of Eros 2010 with guest Jack Stallion
36 Bikini Jones and the Temple of Eros 2010 with guest Jack Stallion So, here's the deal folks. Jack and I watched this movie,...

35 Bikini Frankenstein 2009 with guest Jack Stallion
Randy and Jack Stallion are checking out a more resent, softcore movie this week because concepts like "vintage" and "time" are meaningless and we...

34 The Erotic Adventures of Bedman & Throbbin 1989 w Cody Grenada
Not really sure what to do with the numbering system on these episodes. Maybe I'll just make it more and more confusing. Maybe I'll...

2-10 Never Sleep Alone 1984 - Randy solo
It's another solo Randy episode! That's the thing everyone loves, right? Hope so! Randy spends most of this episode talking about anise-flavored booze. And...

2020-9 Vixens of Kung Fu (1975)
How about a long episode? Randy doesn't have anything better to do. And there's lots to talk about because Randy has got Jack Stallion...

2020-8 Bad Girls (1981)
So I read that nobody's listening to podcasts right now, which I'm guessing is because podcasts are often a form of entertainment we experience...